CAMPAIGN FOR MORE POLICE Another frustrating issue is the lack of Police patrols to deal with local crime and anti social behaviour throughout Brent
Another frustrating issue is the lack of Police patrols to deal with local crime and anti social behaviour throughout Brent. When the Safer Neighbourhood Police Team were originally set up they had 6 Police officers. Over the years under Tory & Labour Mayors of London the numbers shrank so they are currently so small that they cannot patrol local street frequently. We were promised that the Alperton team would be dedicated to Alperton. Instead the few Police officers we have are often taken away to deal with the Notting Hill Carnival, events at Wembley Stadium and most recently for the Labour Mayor's New Year Fire Work display by the Thames. This means that they are not seen in Alperton. Charlie and the Liberal Democrats are campaigning for more local Police for Brent and for these officers NOT to be taken away from our area. If you support our campaign please sign our Petition here